My Little Burden's

All around me I've witnessed conversations, when summed up, point to the conclusion that our children are a burden and having multiple is a hinderance. These may seem like harsh accusations but I know I'm not the only one who has witnessed this and I will sadly but fully admit I have also been a culprit of this attitude.
Having children is hard and no matter how hard we try there are moments when we get sucked into the selfish mentality of this world. So when children come into the picture and plans change they are easy targets.
I also feel this recent battle between stay at home moms and working moms and even the admirable attempt to smooth it over has left a bruise on the way we view our children.
As I'm spending time listening to God and trying to embrace His view on children I'm feeling more convicted for my own part in this but I'm also watching God smooth and refine that area of my heart into one that loves and adores children. The more I surrender my own selfishness the more I find myself smiling as I pick up the tiny pieces of rice off the dining room floor and treasuring the silly, yet loud, noises I didn't know something so small could make.
My children aren't a burden or a barrier. My selfishness is.
Psalm 127:3-5 says
"Behold children are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the children of one's youth.
Blessed is the man
who fills his quiver with them!
He shall not be put to shame
when he speaks with his enemies in the
God loves children and Jesus' ministry was the perfect example of that. Jesus adored them and he used examples of us being like children as a good thing multiple times in scripture. Do I think we should all have ten kids? No, I don't think that's what this Psalm is meaning exactly either but I also don't think we should be quick to judge those who do.

I'm not raising children, I'm raising disciples.
I'm scared for this next generation of children coming up in a world that has already turned their hearts away from them. Growing up in a home where parents have even the slightest resentment towards their children is poison and we don't give them enough credit for what they actually see and feel. I'm sure we can all compile a lengthy list of things to blame for this negative view on children but I feel the only resolution is to start to let God change our own hearts and then flood the world with an overpowering love for children. Whether it's simply showing more patience to our own kids in public or being quick to kneel down and show kindness to the screaming kid in aisle five that is sending his mom running out in shame and fear, there is something we can do. God loves children and even refers to them as arrows that we should fill our quiver's with and my hope and prayer is that we can too start seeing the joy and importance children bring to our lives.
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